Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hurricane Thankgiving Day

On the island of St. Croix in the virgin islands there are two Thanksgiving days. In addition to the usual one celebrated by Americans, they have a hurricane Thanksgiving Day on October 25th. This marks the end of the hurricane season. First they have "supplication day" on July 25th. On this day the citizens pray and ask God to spare their islnd from the horrors of the hurricane season. Then when the season is over they thank God for answering their prayers on Hurricane Thankgiving Day.

Its possible that all to often we have "supplication days" or times where we find ourselves in over our head so we pray and when God moves we forget to thank him for all he's done for us.
This was the case in Luke 17: 11-19 where 10 lepers called out to Jesus and he told them to show themselves to the priests. As they went they were healed but only one turned back to thank him for the blessing. Lets count our blessings today, and then let us thank our Savior each day for all that we have. Lets make everyday a "Thanksgiving Day."

In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

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